Black rubber strap (20mm wide / 130/75mm long).
Made to fit 20mm size lugs.
Simple rubber passthrough strap.
Our individual journeys are often uncertain. At times, one may travel to sandy, dry, hostile locations. Others may find themselves in suits in a sunny tropical environment, briefing commanders, and Ambassadors at an embassy. The tools and gear must be multi-dimensional and adaptable. While we were experiencing this environment shift first-hand on our last deployment, we realized that the most common identifier for members of the military was the watch we wore. Mainly large, black, ugly rubber watches. Going from shop to shop, we found the watches we wanted were far too expensive. We needed a watch that would not attract any unwanted attention from locals or other travelers. We wanted a watch that could be worn with a suit while we briefed an ambassador or a commander, but one that could also be worn during kinetic situations on patrol or in the field.